Getting documents from your Gmail account in Zoop Wallet is a straightforward process. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the Zoop Wallet App.

Step 2: On the Home screen, tap on 'Connect Gmail Account' or alternatively navigate to Menu > Linked Account > Gmail. 

(You will be provided with a guide on how to get documents from Gmail. Tap on 'Got it' to continue. You will be redirected to choose a Gmail account.)

Step 3: Choose the Gmail account from which you want to retrieve your documents. If the account is not signed in, you can tap 'Use another account' to sign in. 

Step 4: Proceed with 'Continue' and provide the necessary consent. 

(Once done, your authentication will be completed successfully. You will be redirected to the Zoop Wallet App. If not, please open the app manually.)

Step 5: Choose your preferred categories (Travel, Finance, Health) for getting your documents from Gmail & continue with 'Get started.'

Once you have completed these steps, the documents found in the consented categories will be eventually added and categorized in Zoop Wallet within some time. 

(Note: If you haven't received any documents for a long time, we request you to kill and relaunch the app.)