Filters & Adjustment

How do the Filters & Adjust (Brightness/Contrast) options assist me after scanning in Zoop Wallet?
The Filters feature in Zoop Wallet offers users the ability to apply various filters according to their needs. These filters can enhance the visual appearan...
Wed, 11 Dec, 2024 at 1:25 PM
What filters could i apply to my scan?
Zoop Wallet offers a variety of filters to make your scan's betters: Auto Color: This filter adjusts the colors of the scanned document to make it l...
Wed, 11 Dec, 2024 at 1:25 PM
How do I apply filters to my Scans in Zoop Wallet?
Here are the detailed steps on how you can apply filters to your captured scans: 1. Scan the image. (If you are using Single mode, you will be redir...
Wed, 11 Dec, 2024 at 1:26 PM
How does the Adjust (Brightness/Contrast) assist me in making my scans better quality?
The Adjust feature allows users to fine-tune the appearance of scanned pages to achieve the desired visual result. Here’s how it works: Once the pages a...
Thu, 20 Jun, 2024 at 2:45 PM